
Upcoming Events at Beaufort MMA

Latest Past Events

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar with Justin Flood

Beaufort MMA 2127 Boundary St, Beaufort

Beaufort MMA will host BJJ Black Belt Justin Flood on Saturday November 14th for a gi seminar. The seminar will include a breakdown on philosophy on Brazilian jiu-jitsu for self-defense and sport competition as well as include some of Justin's favorite techniques. The event is $25 and you can register in advance: https://trial-1518ca34.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=EF38537C-4625-4C4B-882E-EADA64A2A83B There will […]


Youth Zanshindo Test (MMA) for 10-14yr olds

Beaufort MMA 2127 Boundary St, Beaufort

Beaufort MMA periodically tests our youth MMA class based on the techniques they have learned in order to provide an incentive to learn more and increase each student’s ability. Students will either test for stripes on their belt (which you will receive at the next test, or with a new belt/shirt which is provided at […]

$15 – $30

Youth Zanshindo Test (MMA) for 5-9yr olds

Beaufort MMA 2127 Boundary St, Beaufort

Beaufort MMA periodically tests our youth MMA class based on the techniques they have learned in order to provide an incentive to learn more and increase each student’s ability. Students will either test for stripes on their belt (which you will receive at the next test, or with a new belt/shirt which is provided at […]

$15 – $30