Thank you for your interest in Beaufort MMA’s Bully Prevention Class. This class is meant to provide your child with a sense for what makes a bully, how to avoid conflict and how to react to several bully situations.
Each of the 8 weeks will have a specific theme which will build upon the previous week. At the conclusion of the fourth week, your child will provide you with a progress report, which you will need to sign and at the conclusion of the class, each child will be tested and receive a certificate of completion for the class.
To maximize the effect of the class, it is recommended that each child attend daily, but the class will repeat the theme every week in case a class is missed.
The weekly breakdown will be set as follows:
[bullet_list icon=”check” indent=”10px” style=””]
- Week 1 – What is the difference from Martial Arts and Self-Defense
- Week 2 – What is a Bully?
- week 3 – Avoiding Physical Conflict Peacefully
- Week 4 – Stopping an Attack with Physical Response
- Progress Report Sent Home
- Week 5 – Defense from Teens and Adults
- Week 6 – Preparing for Multiple Attackers
- Week 7 – Comprehensive Review
- Week 8 – Testing Week
- Certificate of Completion
Although the course is only 8 weeks long, we hope to help your child learn confidence and self-worth which can harm a majority of bullied children over time. The class will also offer techniques on physical defense from standing, the ground, and when confronted with more dangerous situations.
Thank you for your dedication to your child’s well being and please let us know if you have any questions as we move through the course.
If you have not yet registered your child, please click here or stop by the next youth class at 6pm on Tuesday or Thursday evening.
[call_to_action title=”Bully Prevention Course” tag_line=”Save when you register for our special 8 week program.” arrow=”yes” button=”Click here!” link=”″ ]